Reply To: Not Even A Thank You After All The Chesed I Did For Them?!

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Not Even A Thank You After All The Chesed I Did For Them?! Reply To: Not Even A Thank You After All The Chesed I Did For Them?!



I agree and your point was mentioned. The concept is that the person doing Chessed has an obligation to do their mitzvah of Chessed 100% the person receiving the Chessed has their obligation to do their Mitzvah of Hakaras Hatov 100% each person has their own Mitzvah that they need to do here. Again for clarity, the person doing the Chessed has an obligation between them and Hashem to do the Chessed properly and its not their business if teh one they do the Chessed to says thank you and one shouldnt even expect a thank you. The one receiving the Chessed has to focus on doing his/her Mitzvah between him/herself and Hashem of showing Hakaras Hatov to another. Every Mitzvah, even bein adam Lchaveiro is only a mitzvah because Hashem commanded it. When doing a mitzvah our obligation is to try and do it 100% how Hashem wants it done. If the person doing the chessed is busy thinking about if the person will say thank you and if the person receiving teh chessed is busy thinking if the person who did the chessed is only in it for their thank you and pat on the back NOBODY did their mitzvah properly. Your mitzvah when doing Chessed is done the second you finish doing the Chessed, dont even hang around to “wait” for a thank you. If it comes, its nice and appreciated, but dont expect it and dont think you deserve it. Hashem commanded you to do Chessed and you do it because its His command. It has nothing to do with the persons appreciation. Think this through it should be much clearer now.