Reply To: Not Even A Thank You After All The Chesed I Did For Them?!

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Not Even A Thank You After All The Chesed I Did For Them?! Reply To: Not Even A Thank You After All The Chesed I Did For Them?!


As a general rule, I don’t expect “thank you”s* from people for whom I do a chesed. This is for two reasons:

1. I consider it an obligation to do a chesed when the opportunity arises. As such, I don’t view it as having done anything extraordinary that requires thanks.**

2. Low expectations means you can’t be disappointed. 🙂

In any event, even when people do say thank you, I’ll usually respond with something like “it was nothing.”

The Wolf

(* The exceptions are my kids. If I [or anyone else] do a chesed for my kids, I expect them to say “thank you” — more because I’m training them to be makir tov for good done to them than because I need [or even want] the thank you).

** I only take that view for myself. If someone does a chesed for me, I view it as such and make sure to always say “thank you.”