Reply To: Dose of reality: Kids kicked out of school

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True. But on the flip side, no Rebbi or Menahel should consider accepting a student without first thinking long and hard whether they’d want him/her to be an influence their own child.

Disagree. I’ve met plenty of people who are not perfect. Does this make them bad people? Absolutely not. They are people who have different things that need fixing. I think this attitude of not having a middle ground, where a kid is either top or bottom, is a big influence on the whole OTD thing.


The school has a responsibility. If the kids not to your liking, just send him back to the store and ask for another one?! Does the school have any loyalty to the parents who have been in their school for several years (and maybe paying full tuition)?! I heard from a certain (well known) mechanech who, before kicking a child out, sits down with the rebbeim until they find something good about the child to make sure its not the result of just being on everyones bad side. I’m not sure his thinking is so off.

On a separate note, when someone accepts a job as a rebbe in a school, he knows exactly what hes getting himself into. No one walks in with blinders and thinks hes getting a free ride. Teaching is not about reading material off a page of notes. Teaching is a talent. If you are not teacher material and you walk in knowing that, well good luck to you. Its a recipe for disaster.

WIY, are you a rebbe by any chance? (or closely related to one?)
