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theprof1 da and others

Schnitzel: A Crumby Situation

Whenever you have two foods that combine to make one dish, the bracha made on the dish will be the bracha of the ikur (primary) food as opposed to the tofel (subordinate) food. However, where a mezonos product (one of the five grains) is the tofel in a dish, the mezonos food will automatically be treated as the ikur so long as it is enhancing the taste of the ikur in the dish.

There is a dispute amongst the poskim as to the proper bracha on breaded fish and schnitzel (breaded chicken). R’ Bodner, in his sefer on Hilchos Brachos, writes that he heard from R’ Elyashiv that the proper bracha is mezonos. He bases his psak on the fact that the tofel consists of one of the five grains and is used to enhance the taste of these dishes. However, R’ Bodner writes further, that he saw in a sefer in the name of R’ Moshe Feinstein that the proper bracha on these dishes is shehakol and not mezonos. R’ Moshe bases his psak on the fact that the breadcrumbs are such an insignificant tofel that in such an instance the bracha will follow the ikur, which would then be a shehakol eventhough the tofel consists of one of the five grains.

The Sefer Pischei Halacha states, that most poskim pasken that the proper bracha on the above mentioned dishes is a mezonos. However, he notes, that if one wants to remove himself from controversy, he should make a mezonos on the crumbs of that dish and a shehakol on a different dish that certainly requires a shehakol.
