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PBA- you seem to describe Moderates (or Centrists) as the “donkeys” who walk in the middle of the road. I don’t think that’s the case. Moderates have positions, some of them associated with those on the left of the aisle, and some associated with those on the right. To say they lack passion for their beliefs is disingenuous.

I believe that the reason moderates never get anywhere is because the vast majority of the voting populace is a victim of the two-party system. Most people will define themselves as “Republican” or “Democrat”, or “Conservative” or “Liberal”. Then, being so defined, their stand on issues is decided by those who head the respective party. IOW, once you’ve said you’re a “Republican” or “Conservative”, you automatically like Ronnie Reagan, supply-side economics, growing your nuclear arsenal, and hate stem-cell research, most governement programs, and Oprah. All that without understanding any of the issues or even having lived through the relevant time period.

In a nutshell, the problem is that people tend not to think independently on issues, but lump all issues together and follow a party line. What chance does a Moderate have- he/she is going to be on the wrong side of about half the important issues for ALL voters.

You can’t beat the system, two-party politics is here to stay. Which means there is really no choice in elections, it’s just a rotation from one set of issues to the other, based on voter dissatisfaction over the last elected official.

The only way to get a Moderate in is to have him/her be a closet Moderate. Run as a vehement Democrat, or a staunch Republican, and then flip flop on every issue once in office.

</Rant to Stop the Insanity>