Reply To: Help With Keeping Tznius

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Thank you both for your suggestions.

Missme, I very badly want to stick to my decision but I am worried about what my family will say. My mother usually dresses tzniusly but often goes out of the house with bare legs especially in the summer. She has a couple skirts with slits. Same is true with my sisters. I don’t want to put them in an awkward position and I also don’t want to be ridiculed by them or teased that I am the “frummie” of the house.

Sacrilege, I am not sure what you mean by “too much” or what you mean by “big jump going from short skirt/short socks to long skirt tights” or what gradual steps you think I should take.

The truth is that I have had to wear tights to school every day for the past two years so I am used to them except that I always changed when I cam home. Now I just won’t change. The skirt length is probably less of an issue (except that I need more long skirts). The denim is probably a bigger issue as well.

I have been thinking about this for a long time and decided that if I didnt make a commitment now I probably never would. I aslo figured that getting used to wearing tights all the time is probably easier in the winter than the summer.

Please let me know if you have any other suggestions, especially bout dealing with my friends and family.