Reply To: Giloy Arayos (Movies, etc.)

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Moq – I took Piano lessons when I was a kid… until my family begged me to stop. Then, I dated a guy who played guitar and drums professionally (before he became Frum)… needless to say it is better for all parties involved if I never pick up another instrument 😉

WIY – Thanks for the suggestions! I actually listen to Jewish music as well. I’m not one of those people who hate Jewish music and thinks the only music that is worth anything is English music.

Not a fan of Israeli music, kind of reminds me of music in a nightclub with a singer on Speed (no offence if you like it). Maybe I’ll download some shiurim, its embarrassing the last time I listened to one…

Bein Hasdorim – I dont think it sounds extreme, I’m completely aware of it. I’ve been blessed and cursed with an amazing visual memory so once I see something I rarely forget it, so the excuse of I’ll forget it next week isn’t a good one for me.

I am also acutely aware of how my personal convictions have changed.

STORY: I was in college and a case came up where a Gay man wanted to leave his inheritance to his partner (this case was a long time ago). I USED to be intensely against the right for Gays to marry/adopt children/have rights… and I voiced that in the class, long story short I failed that class and got the Dean involved (I didnt get an A, but at least I didnt fail)

Here we are a little over 3 years later and I am ALL for equal rights for Gays. Can the credit be solely attributed to movies? IDK, but I’m sure it helped.

Disclaimer: I know Mishkav Zachor is against the Torah, therefor if a question ever showed up at the polls I wouldnt vote.