Reply To: Giloy Arayos (Movies, etc.)

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PY – Is hirhur arayos an issur or is it one of those not-such-nice- things-that-you-should-refrain-from?

WIY – Thanks for the words of encouragement! To get a little personal, while I was in HS (Rocker yes, I went to a BY) I became super frum/yeshivish, and gave up everything movies/music/books even while “Yeshivish” it was always a struggle not to watch a movie, what can I say I’m a fan. The music wasnt as big a struggle but once I got out in the real world, and have been out of school for X amount of years inspiration kind of wears off.

Hakatan – “lo sikrivu ligalos erva” This actually makes more sense to me than actual Giluy Arayos. In HS we had a teacher that said that the persons Neshama goes into their music and when you hear it you are effected, in HS I guess I was less jaded and more accepting, I dont really see how that can happen…

emoticon – LOL, yea prob not what I wanted to hear. But it kind of sounds what my father would say. When I was in college we had a case that tied in to Organized Crime and I got on a whole Mafia kick. My father wasnt to pleased that I was bringing home books that he says I was being over on “Giloy Arayos, Shvichas Damim & Avodah Zara in one sitting” I have the best father! 😀

Personally, I dont think a bolt of lightening is going to strike you if you watch the occasional movie (who am I kidding its more than on occasion 😉 ) My bigger problem is that I think the movies are affecting my haskafos, and thats why I think I’m more motivated to stop, or try to.