Reply To: Kli Yakar – Don't Join The "Frummies" In Gehinom

Home Forums Bais Medrash Kli Yakar – Don't Join The "Frummies" In Gehinom Reply To: Kli Yakar – Don't Join The "Frummies" In Gehinom


The Gerrer Rebbe Shlita said several years ago. A frummer meint nisht der eibishter, a frummer meint zech. A frummie (as contrasted to a frum person) doesn’t mean serving Hashem with his frumkeit. He means serving himself to indulge in his frum chumros. A frum sick person chas vesholom, when told by a doctor that he must eat on yom kippur and asks a rov who paskins to eat, will eat on yom kippur. He has done excatly what Hashem told him to do. VoChai bo’hem, live with the mitzvos. A frummie says, how can I, the frummie, eat on yom kippur. The main point being how can “I” eat.