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BTL Battle
BTL Bottle
BTL Between the Lines
BTL Buy To Let
BTL Below The Line (advertising)
BTL Bubba the Love Sponge
BTL Biomass-to-Liquids
BTL Bolsa de Turismo de Lisboa
BTL Bridge-Tied Load (amplifier)
BTL Between the Lions (PBS children’s TV show)
BTL Build-Transfer-Lease
BTL Bataillon (German: Battalion)
BTL Bell Telephone Laboratories
BTL Bilateral Tubal Ligation
BTL Built-To-Last
BTL Better-Than-Life
BTL Backplane Transceiver Logic
BTL Beyond the Limits
BTL BACnet Testing Laboratories
BTL Biomass to Liquid Fuel
BTL Belize Telemedia Limited
BTL Blue Trunk Library
BTL Between the Legs
BTL Born Too Late (band)
BTL Bowel Tolerance Level
BTL Building Tightness Limit (building air exchange)
BTL Branching Temporal Logic
BTL Bipolar-Transistor Logic
BTL Brian Thomas Littrell (singer)
BTL Basic Termination Liability
BTL Battle Loss
BTL British Telecommunications Laboratories
BTL Birla Technologies Limited
BTL Batlagundu (parish)
BTL Big Time Loser
BTL Baltimore Tank Lines, Inc. (trucking company)
BTL Bachelor of Talmudic Law
BTL Billing Term Liability (Sprint)
BTL Begining TAPR Label
BTL Bible Translation & Literacy