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NYPD Denies Report Of Police Ticket Quotas

The New York Police Department is denying a report it forces officers to write a certain number of summonses, despite new secret recordings suggesting a quota system is in place.

The New York Times released the recordings, reportedly made by an officer at the 81st precinct in Brooklyn.

It is the latest in a series of secret tapes made by officers who say mandatory ticket quotas interfere with other important police work and damage community relations.

The tapes include a police captain warning officers that his commanders are demanding each officer write 20 summonses a week for low-level infractions and traffic violations.

The recording says at one point, “They’re counting seatbelts and cell phones. They’re counting double-parkers and bus stops. If tours contributed five seatbelts and five cell phones a week, five double-parkers and five bus stops a week, okay. If I get the same numbers from the third platoon, whenever midnight kicks, in it’s gravy. But you as the bosses have to demand this and have to count it.”

A police spokesman says the recordings do not prove a quota system and are just examples of supervisors trying to motivate under-performing officers.

(Source: NY1)

2 Responses

  1. Do you know that NYC give parking tickets to out of State residents with their home town’s handicapped parking permits?

    Anything for a buck…how disgusting!

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