Reply To: Shidduchim for Children of Balaei Teshuva

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Thanx 4 all the feedback! It has really been an eye opener to see all your opinions and btw-thanx 4 the brachas!! Your right that meal times can be ackward with non-frum relatives but here i am talking about children who have been brought up in these circumstances and so are able to relate to it. If you marry a BT than I understand, but a child of a BT who is FFB? If anything the BT’s have their hashkafos more clear then FFB simply because they have learned it directly from their Rav or the Torah, and it is not justpassed down with no understanding from generation to generation!! They are much stronger and feel more for what they are doing! I really think its such a chillul hashem for these BT’s to work so hard to get to where they are then totally reject them from our circles?