Reply To: Remington Shaver, Kosher?

Home Forums Kashruth Remington Shaver, Kosher? Reply To: Remington Shaver, Kosher?

Pashuteh Yid

Rebdoniel writes:

“According to R’ Dovid Feinstein, the only shavers ok to use without any adjustemtns are the Norelco Rotary Lift and Cut, after the adjustments have been made. “

Am I missing something, because this is a setira minei ubei. First you say there is a shaver which is OK to use without any adjustments, and then you say it is OK after the adjustments have been made.

Please explain. Also why is it that Remington shavers which used to have a long list that were OK, are now no good. I don’t think they have changed much.