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i dont know what sem you went to (who knows maybe we sat next to each other in class) but as far as i’m concerned i think you are correct. i was in sem last year and my teacher said the same thing. Hashem may want one person to say the tihillim twice to find thier zivug and someone else 100. But we dont know how much is our hishtaflus so we must do the best we can. And yes it may dipend on the tifelose of others as well but that is not our job to worry about. Also it may be that hashem is not waiting for someone elses tifeos but if that pefson davened it may speed up what ever u are daving for! Just keep on davening….Tifela is the key to everything…hashem is listening he is our father waiting for our tifelos…(it says in parshas birayshis that hashem didn’t bring rain until someone aked for it…Hashem wants us to call out to him…Also Remember that when u dont get what u want dont think that hashem is not answering you…Hashem may be answering but the answer is NO…and thats not a bad thing..hashem is sayingthat at the present moment what u want is not good for you although u may not understand it!

The more we daven the closer we are with hashem….so keep on davening…dont give up…And iyh you should find your zivug hagon bikarov mamash!