Reply To: Who's the victim? Who's the villain?

Home Forums Family Matters Who's the victim? Who's the villain? Reply To: Who's the victim? Who's the villain?


BP Totty

“Bochurim-soon-to-be-chassanim.. READ THIS AND THINK FOR A MINUTE. What would you do?”

Its very clear that in the chareidi system the parents do all the research and this type of information is basic to the marriage and I can’t imagine how this happened unless the girl and father fooled themselves into thinking they’d “change” him or manipulate him to go work. The father and girl are both dead wrong and theres a whole bunch of colorful words to call them. How dare they use this guy as a pawn and then bring a child into the world who will have to grow up with divorced parents?!!!

I think the time has come to start getting things in writing. They should sign a shtar that says that the father is willing to support the boy to learn x amount of years after which he will go work. I’m surprised this isn’t done yet!!!!