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Chareidi Protesters Indicted For Threats, Trespassing

The following is a Ynet report:

Eleven haredim who rioted and disrupted emergency room construction at Barzilai Hospital charged with threatening security guards; one defendant accused of threatening: ‘We will exterminate you, Nazi’

“We will find you. We will come to your home. We will burn you. We will hurt you. We will exterminate you. Nazi, rebel, murderer, despicable person. We will take care of you and will kill you.”

The indictment was issued in Ashkelon Magistrates’ Court against 11 haredi residents of Beit Shemesh and Jerusalem. They were charged with trespassing, making threats, and disrupting a public servant.

The indictment says that the haredim arrived at the hospital on August 22 at 3 pm in an effort to halt construction at the site. Some of them lay down in front of two tractors. One of them climbed on a tractor while its engine was still running and thus succeeded in halting the construction at the site. The defendants did not abide by the security guards orders that they leave the site.

The indictment states that the defendants cursed at the security guards, saying things like, “Die, Nazi. Get brain cancer.”

When the police came to evacuate the haredim, they refused to cooperate. Later, the hospital’s security officer, Yaniv Yehezkel, also arrived at the site. One of the haredim allegedly identified him by his nametag and said he would later hunt him down and kill him.

One of the defendants, Menachem Mendel Taup, had already been arrested at the hospital on another occasion. That time, he had been indicted for disobeying a legal order. He had been banned by Judge Noga Shmueli-Meyer from entering Ashkelon until legal proceedings against him conclude, but he did not obey.

(Source: Ynet)

7 Responses

  1. in order to give a little context to the indictment

    YWN posted this video

    of those same same chareidim being kicked on the ground, by several security guards.

    Did the indictment mention the fact that they beat up the protesters?

    Is it such a terrible crime to tell the someone who kicks you in the head to get cancer? It not right, but its understandable.

  2. #3

    No anyone who threatens a security personel should be dragged off to court. Is it just me or do these Chara-dim love to fling around the nazi name?

  3. #6
    This mis NOT in any way Loshon Hora. These people were breaking the law and threatening physical harm to those people who were doing their job.
    If they are guilty the should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
    The lunatic fringe is Israel, whatever their orientation, must learn that the country is governed by the laws of amn, at least until Moshiach arrives.

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