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Feivel- Thanks for pointing out the wonderful things about leitzunus. This way if I ever get the urge to give it up, I will remember all the benefits!

(Btw, when I wrote that I ran to answer Yehei Shmei Rabbah, I was NOT joking around about that. I am extremely makpid to answer with kavanah and as gabbai in my minyan, I do my best to educate the tzibbur about the importance of it and the schar one gets for it.

I am proud of the fact that I have completely eliminated talking by davening, which is unfortunately an illness that is not confined to MO yidden).

THEN, after Havdalah, I go “open the pipes” and absorb the “subliminal attitudes” (wow! big word!) etc. How did you know my TV is in the den?