Reply To: Rebbeim Strike


Interesting. More power to them. When it becomes an absolute that Rabbeim get paid, the quality of the people we entrust our children too will improve. Sadly, now many nebachs go into chinuch, and we pay the psychologist bills later. Why not save the money now?

R’ Elyashiv has a teshuva ( In Techumim, I believe chelek chaf), and says that the Rabbeim do not have a greater obligation to the limud of tinoko shel beis rabban then anyone in the community. Hence, they may strike ( there is a similar din by the chevra kadisha).

But when it becomes a reality that tuition must be paid even at the expenses of – seminary! or summer camp! – well, then there salaries will come on time. They are noble individuals, trying to live an ideal. Alas, doesn’t always happen that way. They cannot carry the tuition breaks of the school – Halachically, a child should stay home, rather then a Rebbe not be paid. Let the parents fundraise – why should he pay for there child’s education?

Let them unionize, and be treated like mentechen.