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Let’s Talk Business: Injecting Value Into Your Company

There’s a popular joke that states that most people would rather be in the coffin than giving the eulogy. Many people have a deep-seated fear of public speaking. Why? When you’re standing up there, in the limelight, everyone’s focused on you- they’re analyzing you, your words and your gestures, and if you make a mistake or something goes wrong with your presentation- everyone will see it and take stock! One way or another, your image will be unavoidably affected- which gives us all plenty to fear and shy away from. Staying in the background is safe- it allows us to avoid the risk of tarnishing our image. But if we do ever stand up and speak in public, you can be sure we come well dressed and prepared for our voyage into the scrutiny of public eye.

Have you ever thought about your marketing tactics as public speaking? If you did, you might possess a similar fear. And yet, all the time, companies put out ads that make no sense, that lack purpose, filled with mistakes… and tarnish their image. And yet they are unafraid- perhaps because they are unaware of the damage they are doing.

A company and a business is not a money machine. It is an entity with value, and everything that you do in the name of your company should be with the focus of adding value to that being. Companies need to be treated with respect- the very same respect you afford yourself- if you’d like others to view it as esteemed and reputable. For your business is a valuable item, one that’s constantly placed under public scrutiny. The public has an eagle eye- they notice your mistakes and take stock in your gaffes. Whenever you market, and public speak, be sure you come well prepared.

In order to progress and achieve, you need to build equity and invest in your company’s image. If your company has no value, in your eyes or your customers, there can be no climb. When you create a brand, you are linking a statement and a message to your business. So speak up and speak out- market your company- but be sure you’ve got your best foot forward, your notes handy, and a welcoming smile on your face. Because remember that behind every ad and marketing campaign, stands a business- and something of value. And it’s your job to build it.

Onward & Upward,

Meny Hoffman

Under the Radar

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