Reply To: It's Almost September… Does every child have a school?

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And that’s why schools are closing. People don’t prioritize money for tuition.

Yes, a mother should try her best. But yeshiva tuition should come before a clean home.

There are other ways to cut money out of your budget. A few options are:

Eat less meat, chicken and fish. Serve beans, eggs and cheese instead as a protein.

Unplug everything not in use (except for essentials like your refridgerator).

Keep the air conditioner off. Only use in dangerous weather. Utilize fans, open windows, cold drinks instead.

Keep the thermostat lower and bundle up more.

Sell off your silver. Keep only items that you actually use and need (like kiddush cup).

No new clothing, unless everything you wear is threadbare.

Sell off jewelry except for your wedding band.

Get rid of second car (if you have one). If you live in a place like Brookly and don’t need a car for work (just for convenience), get rid of it. [savings on gas, maintenance, insurance]

Downsize your house or apartment if applicable.

Take in borders if you have room.

I can probably come up with more rather easily. People talk about wanting to pay tuition, but people don’t want to live the reality of actually doing what they need to.