Reply To: Cell phones for children (or parents)

Home Forums Family Matters Cell phones for children (or parents) Reply To: Cell phones for children (or parents)


aries2756 – The aveirah of the cheit hamoraglim was the loshon hara they said, not the actual act of spying.

Saying “how do parents expect to teach their children…” may be slightly judgmental, but I think the poster was just emphasizing the danger that he believes cell phone pose. And I certainly think it is a far cry from “speaking about how others are not keeping torah and mitzvos properly”, “a total put down”, “ripe for loshon horah”, “a judgment that others are wrong and I am right and they are not doing what they are supposed to be doing”, “nasty”, “holier than thou”, “utterly disrespectful”, etc. I don’t see how anything in the original post warrants such accusations.

“For instance, the remark that cell phones have caused the yeridah, just look how kids are being mechalel shabbos with cell phones. Please, it is not cell phones or internet that has caused kids to go off the derech. It is other Jews who have pushed and shoved them off the derech.”

Huh? Who is going around “shoving” people off the derech?

“Blaming cell phones, internet, tv, or anything else is not only ludicrous but it shows how much people choose to be in denial rather than face the real issues right under their noses.”

Why is this ludicrous? To me it seems very logical: if you surround your children with things that glorify physicality, you can’t expect them not to be affected by it.

And what precisely are these “real issues right under our noses”?