Reply To: Not Feeling Welcome

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sephardic.chabadnick, All I can say is don’t give up. We all have to go through our own nisyonos and only Hashem knows the reasons for this. Maybe you are being tested for your patience and your neighbors are being tested for their tolerance. They may all fail their individual tests but that is not your problem. Your concern should be handling your own nisayon. Maybe Hashem is testing your emunah and bitachon or he is testing your commitment. Or maybe he is just sending you a message that you are in the wrong community and should look for a warmer and more welcoming place to raise your daughter. After all it takes a village to raise a child.

Lavdavka, we all look different! Some of us are tall, some short, some fat, some thin. Some of us have acne, some of us don’t. Some of us have been blessed with beauty and others are challenged with various physical attributes or lack there of. So no matter how different you feel you look, everyone feels self-concious about themselves especially when they walk into a new place. In real communities people tend to be friendly and welcoming in shul. They also happen to be curious and want to connect with new people. They don’t mean to be nosy or pry into your business. And they haven’t chosen just you as a target, they welcome everyone and question everyone in the same manner. They may ask you what you do, so they will introduce you to others in the same profession. They will ask you where you live then ask if you met so and so on your block. They will ask you about your children and then tell you who in the shul sends their kids to the same school and who has kids the same age. They will let other people in the shul know a little about you and your wife so people can start inviting you over for shabbos meals. That’s what happens in our community and I am sure in other real community oriented neighborhoods.