Reply To: Sheitels

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just me

Mazal, first of all, I think anyone spending beyond their reach is very foolish whether we are talking about a wig, a car, a kiddush or a house. Yes, I deffinatally say that some women don’t want to look like they are wearing wigs. I’m sure there are some sheitel machers that only sell the wigs that look like wigs just like there are some groceries that only sell certain hashgachas. There are those sheitel machers that sell very natural wigs. The two business people have very different clientel. While there is a possibility that if the second type of woman wasn’t in business her customers would wear the other kind of wigs, there is also the possibility that these woman wouln’t cover their hair. A cousin in the business was told that by some of her customers just starting to cover their hair.

I think that what is considered tniyus in one community may not be in a diffieremt one i.e. long hair in the Syrian community. Many people writing here are posting what their rov said as the absolute bottom line. It’s just not. We unfortunatally don’t all follow one rav. There is no absolute anymore. Iy”H when Moshiach comes we will have it again.

I was not insulted by what you or anyone said, Mazal, but the tone of many of the posters (not nessaserily you) says that if you don’t agree with them, you are the lowest of the low. That “always right” attitude annoys me no matter what the person is talking about. Personally, I felt the “nissayon” of Indian hair sheitels (which many rabbonim mahttered) was not bain adom l’Makom but bain adom l’chavoiro. All women I know of stopped wearing any wig they were not 100% sure was European. I had heard though of self-rightous hat-wearing woman practically throwing a wig-wearing woman out of shul. I wish I had heard that only once but I had heard it from too many women. I’d say the Yidden passed the first part but failed on the second.

I hope you were not offended by what I wrote, Mazal. If I did offend you, I appologize.