Reply To: Pre Tisha Ba'av News: 50% yearn for Mikdash; Lechem HaPanim Ready!

Home Forums Yom Tov The 3 Weeks / 9 Days Pre Tisha Ba'av News: 50% yearn for Mikdash; Lechem HaPanim Ready! Reply To: Pre Tisha Ba'av News: 50% yearn for Mikdash; Lechem HaPanim Ready!


yosr, you seem not to be a Chariedi and I must say that I am very impressed with some of the Mizrachi type (I know that label is not so in use these days, but as I am not familiar with categorizations used to name groups in Israel, I will call you that, but not c”v with a negative intentions) people who are very excited and enthusiastic about the Third Bais Hamikdosh and its being rebuilt. I think the Chariedim do have what to learn from you about enthusiasm for the Third Bais Hamikdosh. However, this can also be a slippery slope, as there were other times in history where such people, who literally craved for the rebuilding of the Mikdosh with every fiber of their being, ended up doing doing the opposite, for example Shabbtzi Zvi followers. Not c”v that I’m comparing, not at all and don’t get me wrong, however we need to tread carefully here.

First of all, the Israeli government will not rebuild the Bais Hamikdosh because of the mosques standing on the mount, and I might add b”H for that, otherwise we would have crazies doing all kinds of things there. And we certainly don’t want nor need the Israeli godless government, although it does support Chariedi institutions and we MUST be grateful for that (although they do it for political reasons only) they are still one of the last Jews we want rebuilding the Bais Hamikdosh, because the last thing it would be would be a mikdosh.

The art of Lechem Hapanim, while again it’s wonderful to try to create the lechem and vessels and all, it’s exciting as it should be, they absolutely cannot be considered de facto items that will %100 be used for the future mikdosh, as only Moshiach will teach us these holy items really ought to be made. As for now we can only speculate how they need to look if we follow all the shittas and meforshim. This much like the worm, I forgot its name, that we used to use for tzitzis to get its blue color and the mesorah was forgotton. So even though there are shittos that swear they have the real worm that was used, there was still a break in mesorah and not everyone accepts their shittoh. It’s the same in this situation. Not everyone will accept these shittos as facts. But when the holy objects for use in the Bais Hamikdosh will truly be built, after Moshiach arrived, then all Jews of every stripe will accept that as reality.