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kvod hatorah

i just got back from a great shabbos in the coutry and here is what i hav to say and i spoke to many people from different bungalow colonys: the talking in shul is out of hand with eveyone being more chilled out and no rabbi to keep it quiet the shuls sound like A chicken market(and yes where i daven in the city the rav makes sure its quiet)and if someone has the “chutzpa” to shush someone else he gets the “who do you think you are?” and just one more thing(there is alot ill wait to share for another day)the mingling amongst the men and woman is out of control and i dont mean teanagers but how can women shmooze endlessly with their husbands friends ? and im not even talking about yhe fact that if your snood is half off anf your shirt is fitted like a glove he is not allowed to look at you NO MATTER HOW YOU INTERPET THE LAW (AS LONG AS YOU ARE ORHODOX)!!!!!!