Reply To: Why such difficulty raising funds for Shidduchim Organizations/Initiatives?

Home Forums Shidduchim Why such difficulty raising funds for Shidduchim Organizations/Initiatives? Reply To: Why such difficulty raising funds for Shidduchim Organizations/Initiatives?


W.I.Y.: You make a good point. However, from my observation in this field it seems that there isn’t even one organization in the shidduchim field that has well fundraising abilities; hence my assumption that the difficulty in fundraising is related to the helplessness people feel surrounding shidduchim in general, rather than it being related to professional marketing and lack thereof.

My question is, why isn’t shidduchim perceived as a communal resposibility in the same way like a city eiruv/mikvah/cheder, given that it actually is one of the primary needs of a community? I think that if it were perceived in that way, fundraising would be alot more easier/welcome. Every community should hire at least one full time shadchan to work exclusively on their girls.