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BP Totty-We do the opposite! we use china on a shabbas when we don’t have guests and disposables when we do have guests (cuz its too much china to wash otherwise)…we’re out of towners so maybe its dif in BP… and i meant we scrape all our chicken bones and cholent dregs onto one plate and then stack the dirty plates at the table! in fact, my european grandmother does it! she cant walk very well, so she feels like she is helping to clean up in this way- we pass her all the plates and she stacks them in front of her while sitting, then someone else takes them in to the kitchen. so really by ‘scrapping’ we’re doing kibud aim! so there crzy shadchanim! 🙂

and oomis, i have no idea what the stacking issue is about, but i think it may have to do with kavod shabbas, meaning that it is not kavod to scrape at the table (i do admit its kind of gross, but its pretty convenient!). maybe it has to do with laziness also……