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I forgot:

Please provide detailed medical records for your daughter including height and weight records for every 6 month period starting from birth. Also please include precise information as to how many Tylenol, Advil, aspirin, cold remedies and antacids she has used per year along with copies of all prescriptions filled for her since birth. (Please mention whether these OTC remedies, including skin and hair care products were kosher/haimish or regular brands and whether or not all prescription and OTC medications used during Pesach were listed in Rabbi Blumenkrantz A”H’s Pesach guide).

In addition, kindly provide dental records and the names and phone numbers of every physician, dentist or other health care provider who has treated her since birth. These should include the educational qualifications of said health care professionals.

Finally, we respectfully request notarized copies of her report cards and disciplinary records since pre-1a, along with a letter from the FBI and CIA testifying to her eligibility for the highest level of security clearance.