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SHOCKING VIDEO: Barzilai Security Officers Beating Charedim

Viewer discretion is advised in this horrific video of security officers at Barzilai Hospital beating Charedim protesting Chillul Kevarim.

According to Kikar Shabbat, a journalist at the Hafganah saw the security guards begin attacking the protesters so immediately started recording the horrifying incident on his cell phone.

He then went to the police who said they would look into the incident and asked hospital officials for their own footage from their security camera system. Police were reportedly told that “the cameras were not working at the time”.

Deputy Mayor of Ashkelon, Mr. Shimon Cohen told Bichadrei Charedim that he urged the local police commander to urgently investigate the incident, and bring justice to those involved. He also wants justice brought against the office who stood on the side and simply watched and did not stop the assault.

“Even if there is a disagreement about the opinion of the protesters, we must remember כי בצלם אלוקים עשה את האדם, ואדם באשר הוא, אדם! בין אם היה חרדי ובין אם היה חילוני. לא זו הדרך בחברה ראויה ומתוקנת!”

He added that this is a disgrace to the democracy in Israel.

Click HERE to watch this video from a mobile device.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

27 Responses

  1. novel idea ..
    dont throw stones, dirty dipers at public officials
    stay in bais hamedrash and do what you are supposed to be doing .. learn and become an oved hashem
    you wont get the daylights (edited) kicked out of you


  2. Why is this shocking?
    A few stories back says the Chareidim were throwing rocks at the workers so now when they get what’s coming to them its “SHOCKING”???

  3. While it is horrific of the treatment of the chareidi jew. We still have to remember 1. that not all police in EY are like this. 2. That the person could have been violent with them before the video was shot.

  4. ani oymer :

    There was never any rock throwing. It was a deliberate lie.
    In either case, the police themselves claim that they didn’t see any rock throwing, they only heard reports of it from a single woman.

  5. #2 and #3 – I’m surprised at you! The security guards certainly had every rights to remove them off the premises, but they had absolutely no rights to kick anybody. This was in no way an act of self defense, but rather an act based on pure hatred. I’m sure if it was your relative being kicked you’d be up in arms.

    There is no question in my mind that some of those security guards are soon out of a job and the officer (which I didn’t notice to be honest) will most likely be on probation for a while.

  6. כי בצלם אלוקים עשה את האדם, ואדם באשר הוא, אדם! בין אם היה חרדי ובין אם היה חילוני. לא זו הדרך בחברה ראויה ומתוקנת


    we have a CHIYUV To act normal

    treat police / security officials with respect and you will be treated accordingly

    throw dippers, stones, call them names and you can expect equally vile treatment

    be normal

    stop the madness

    stop abusing the state and its representatives

    ps in washington, last month, people behaved like normal people. why cant charedim behave like normal people in the state

    shame on us and our leaders

  7. Smart2 – If you had any basic knowledge of the history of Israel you would know there were no Jews buried in that area during that time period.

  8. Israeli security officials are subject to a code of conduct that is up the best modern standards – but, in my opinion, supervisory personnel often look the other way, and “the system” does not adequately sanction misconduct. And so police have savagely beaten unarmed demonstrators, soldiers have broken the arms of rock throwing Arab treenagers after they were already in custody, etc, etc – real Third World

  9. First, I am in no way justifying any alleged misbehavior on the part of Chareidim. I was not there, I do not know if rocks were thrown or not.

    BUT, if the policemen cannot deal with protesters, either they should get more training or find a different job. There are protests all over the world (think economic summits) many of the protestors are anarchists who don’t behave any better that the worst of Jewish protestors, but the riot police at these sites are under much better control.

    In other words, there is NO EXCUSE for such behavior on the part of the policemen. If they can’t deal with the fire, they should get out of the frying pan!!!!!!!

  10. This is terrible. Sadly, being passive to the point of not cooperating with any law enforcement is perceived as being anti law enforcement. And they will get physical.

  11. I agree that these kids are a bunch of idiots, but stll- who gave every security guy the right to drag/push/beat/kick anyone disturbing his building site??
    Then the police come along and treat the security officers like heros instead of arresting them- what kind of corrupt, violent anarchy is this? Who is breaking the law more- the Hareidi hoodlums (who happen to be skinny 13 year olds) or the police, who are supossed to uphold the law??

  12. Uh softwords,if the Chareidi person was violent in the same manner first the security guard has every right to fight back. I am not saying that it happened but as frum jews we have a chiyuv to not judge so fast.

    You are so quick to say that the guard did it out of hatred. Were you there? Were you in the guard’s head??

    If you are frum, you would try to think otherwise first..

  13. GO TO THE SHALIT TENT AND SEE HOW THE POLICE ‘BABY’ THE PROTESTERS THERE. bathrooms are set up, police protection, you name it. mushchosim!

  14. Who gives these imbeciles the right to cheapen the word Nazi. Do these ignorant protesters even know what the Nazis did and what a Nazi stands for?! How can they dare call another Jew a Nazi even if that other Jew hits him (due to provocation). Call them Reshoyim and any other not nice term but not Nazis!!!!! I would love to hear the leadership speak up about the use of term Nazi and telling these clowns to stop cheapening and belittling what the Nazis did. They exterminated 6,000,000 Jews, not hit people who were being violent and aggressive and had no place interfering with the construction of a hospital which is to SAVE lives!

  15. In the US, they would be using truncheons, batons, pepper spray, tasers, whatever, to break them apart. The guards were only trying to break them apart, the kicking came as as effort to break their hold. This isnt bad at all. I thought I would see bleeding heads and broken arms. They showed restraint. I dont understand why they couldnt taser them??

  16. While I agree with some comments above that just because the charedim acted improperly first it does not give the officers the right to respond in the fashion in which they did…

    However, one idea that I don’t think is being raised enough is that there is an unfortunate view amongst many ‘ultra’ charedi Jews, especially in Israel, that they need to be the Jewish religious(sometimes Taliban like)police. While there are kana’in type stories in Tanach (such as Pinchas) this certainly isn’t the norm and even if one claims there is room for such applications today, it must be in very very limited cases.

    It’s not enough that we codemn throwing rocks at openly irreligious Jews, we must speak out against the very notion that leads to these acts of violence, namely, the presumption that frum Jews have the right to go around being the religious police (whether with actions or with harsh words.)

    Certainly, these antogonistic ways do the opposite of kiruv and do not get more people to appreciate Torah and Halacha!

  17. This is hardly a beating. The kicking was to attempt to break them up from holding onto each other. I am actually quite impressed with the restraint shown by the security officers.

  18. prowdjew
    ill take your word for it after all you just told me that the graves are not jewish
    what are you basing your facts on some other blog the rabbonim said that they are in fact jewish what do you know

  19. smart2 – Have you ever actually BEEN in Ashkelon? We were just there, and I gotta tell you, it must be the least Jewish city in Israel!! Everything historical was about St. This and St. That. There are no ancient Shuls there, but many ancient churches. It was land of the Plishtim, originally, and Judaism seems to have arrived there only very recently. So unless those bones were less than a century old, or so – they were unlikely to be Jewish.

  20. SRPsych
    So that’s your proof bec there where a bunch of churches there as well on that account I guess jerusalem is not jewish either their are just a bunch of churches and mosques all over the city and recently some jewish activity

  21. SRPsych
    So that’s your proof bec there where a bunch of churches there as well on that account I guess jerusalem is not jewish either their are just a bunch of churches and mosques all over the city and recently some jewish activity
    Ps open up a gemorah gittin and you may find some interesting jewish facts about the city of ashkelon

  22. SRPsych
    You can also google it and see what u come up with

    From wikipedia

    After the Crusader conquest of Jerusalem the six elders of the Karaite Jewish community in Ashkelon contributed to the ransoming of captured Jews and holy relics from Jerusalem’s new rulers. The Letter of the Karaite elders of Ascalon, which was sent to the Jewish elders of Alexandria, describes their participation in the ransom effort and the ordeals suffered by many of the freed captives.

    Around 1163 Rabbi Benjamin of Tudela visited Ashkelon and found ‘about two hundred rabbanite Jews’ living there.

  23. dontbeagolem – Just because some chareidim act like morons doesn’t mean that all of them do. In this video, the protesting was as peacful and non-violent as it gets – lying on the ground, not harming anybody in any way. Please stop your generalizations.

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