Reply To: What's going on in Emmanuel?

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I’m still very confused. The fact is the medinah has different values than the chareidi world. I don’t think they can be blamed for that, they were brought up not appreciating the things that chareidim appreciate.

At the end of the day, they are supporting the school! So, obviously they are going to impose their values on their school. If the chareidim were sponsoring a school, would they run a school with conservative or reform values? Of course not! So a state is running a school with it’s own money, why shouldn’t they be allowed to run a school according to their own values?

At the end of the day they ARE supporting many yeshivos and Beis Ya’akovs’s across the country. There is a reason why there is no tuition crisis in Eretz Yisro’el as in Amercia. It’s because the charedi institutions have GOVERNMENT FUNDING. They are doing the chareidim a tremendous favor! If the chareidim cannot accept the favors that the governemnt are doing, don’t take their money!

I cannot understand how halachically you can take the governement’s money, and expect and demand them to give in to all of your wishes?