Reply To: Where Do You Buy Your Challos For Shabbos?!

Home Forums Shabbos! Where Do You Buy Your Challos For Shabbos?! Reply To: Where Do You Buy Your Challos For Shabbos?!


Squeak and mod – u missed out the best grodz = the stamford hill one – its way better than the gg and edgware one – and actually the gg grodz is not the same owners as the one in stamford hill and edgware – if u look at their shop signs – stamford hill and edgware is called Grodzinski and Daughters and the GG one is just called Grodzinski’s – and there is a definitely a difference in the stuff they make – its not as good as the original Grodzinski and daughters..

NY mom – the white wholewheat flour – is it as healthy as the brown wholewheat flour and where do u get it from i’ve never seen it before..