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VIDEO & PHOTOS: Elected Officials Hold Press Conference At MB Liquor Store Where Yoseph Robinson HY”D Was Murdered

A press conference was held on Sunday afternoon at MB Vineyards Liquor Store, which was the scene of the brutal murder of Yoseph Robinson HY”D.

NYC Council Member Jumaane D. Williams, Chair of the Committee on Oversight and Investigations, joined NYS Senator Eric Adams, Yoseph Robinson’s family, members of the local Jewish community, and other elected officials, to stand against the violence in the community that led to the death of Yoseph Robinson. The press conference was held in front of the MB Vineyards Liquor Store, 2388 Nostrand Avenue, between Avenue J and Nostrand Avenue, at 1:30PM.

Council Member Williams said, “I am deeply saddened by the death of Yoseph Robinson, but his heroic effort to protect a woman from being robbed is a testament to his character. He was a man dedicated to helping others and his community. From a life of crime in the streets of Brooklyn to his conversion to Orthodox Judaism, Robinson is a prime example of someone who turned himself around and sought the right path. His efforts to turn his life around ended tragically Thursday night in the Brooklyn liquor store where he worked. I offer my condolences to his family and ask that the community keep them in their prayers. His moral integrity and heroism will not be forgotten.

I, like the rest of my community, am fed up with the violence. We want heroic men with integrity like Yoseph to populate our community. Living close to where this tragedy took place, I am concerned with the current state we find our neighborhoods when it comes to violence. We should be working to uplift the community, not destroy it and the people who live there. We want an end to the senseless violence that tears apart families and leaves communities in tatters.”

NYS Senator Eric Adams said: “Yoseph Robinson was brutally murdered. This crime can only be solved with the involvement of the community. Responsible members of this neighborhood must have the honesty and moral courage to contact the NYPD with any relevant knowledge. Our streets will only be safe when residents hold criminals accountable by reporting relevant information to the police.”

Meanwhile, cops are still hunting for the cold-hearted crook who gunned down Yoseph Robinson.

Desperate for leads, cops canvassed Midwood and reviewed surveillance video Saturday in the hopes of tracking down the masked gunman.

As of last night, no one had been taken into custody for questioning, cops said.

Robinson was shot twice in the chest when he struggled with the hooded robber who had pointed a gun at Lahavah Wallace and ordered her to cough up her jewelry. Cops are offering a $12,000 reward for information about the gunman.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.


(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

8 Responses

  1. alot about the reward

    how much money is being invested that ger tzedek yosef ben avraham robinson gets a proper tahara kosher aron and tachrichim and is interred with soulmates to have a proper peaceful soul passage as the halacha illustrates

    i wonder what sort of bridges are being done as a result of this

  2. Why dont these politicians stop taking advantage of the story and pass laws that enable new yorkers to actually have a quality of life.

  3. Dont these politicians and wanna be politicians have any boosha to stand there smiling for the photo op at this horrible tragedy. How low can people get

  4. my opinion is personally as a jew as a minority with alot of spotlight guns are our biggest friends

    people dont know this but there was a pogrom coming to ukraine and then 17 yr old “mendel schneersohn” helped with being a part of the defense squads who organized weapons and reppelled the marauders

    jews need to be defenders
    and we need to stress our motto is rachmanim bnei rachmanim

    soo yes being a part of the NRA as a jew is a good thing and makes america free because we are able to choose our own government

  5. Of course, hakol b’yadai Shamayim –
    NEVERTHELESS we have to do OUR hishtadlus.
    Part of that hishtadlus nowadays, is to (legally) own a gun, and know how to use it. Anyone who thinks they can count on the police to save them in an emergency is kidding themselves.

    By the way… How is it that Rev. Al wasn’t heard from in this case? Guess it was because Yosef’s Jewishness had kadimus over his color.
    Yehi zichro baruch.

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