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Controversial Lazio Ad Attacks Mosque Plans

The latest development in the furor over plans to build a mosque near Ground Zero has been sparked by Rep. Rick Lazio, whose latest commercial attacks Attorney General Andrew Cuomo and the plan’s funding.

“Where is this money really coming from, who is behind it?” the ad asks.

Cuomo has responded to such attacks, saying that there was no questionable funding and therefore there is nothing to investigate.

Many including police and FDNY groups, and of course the Democratic Party, are calling for Lazio to take the controversial ad off of his website.

So far Lazio has refused to comment.

It isn’t the first controversial anti-mosque advertisement to be released. The MTA decided earlier this month to allow advertisements against the proposed mosque to appear on the side of New York City buses.

The MTA released the following statement, “While the MTA does not endorse the views expressed in this or other ads that appear on the transit system, the advertisement purchased by a group opposing a planned mosque near the World Trade Center was accepted today after its review under MTA’s advertising guidelines and governing legal standards.”

The planned place of worship is revealing strong feelings on both sides of the issue, and with upcoming elections it will surely play a continued prominent role in political campaigns.

(Source: WPIX)

One Response

  1. Is Lazio suggesting that unpopular religious groups should not have the right to develop their property in accordance with local zoning laws?

    If that is the case, that will be very bad for us if he gets elected and implements such a policy.

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