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Poster, your husband is the exception, not the rule. And I congratulate you on finding such a gem. I know a LOT of boys in that age group, and some are, as you say, very mature. Most are not, and do not even know what direction they are headed in, because they have spent msot of their time in Yeshivah, and not yet had the chance to experience the real world. What they think they wanted at 20, changes drastically at 22-23, just a very few years later. Part of that is because some of them become more educated and realize that the Mommy-Daddy deep pockets are becoming emptier and they have to provide for a wife and children on their own. PArt of it is simply wanting to experience life, to do things they will not be free to do when they have the responsibilities of marriage and their own families. I think that goes across the board for girls too. But in truth, most girls, as we all know, mature faster thasn boys of the same age, and a girl and boy of 20 are USUALLY not on the same page. I say usually, because, as you pointed out, there are exceptions.