Reply To: What Newspaper / Magazine do You Read / Trust Most?

Home Forums Seforim, Books, & Reading What Newspaper / Magazine do You Read / Trust Most? Reply To: What Newspaper / Magazine do You Read / Trust Most?


I don’t generally read newspapers except Sha’ar Lamatchil to try and improve my Hebrew. I get most of my news online.

I spent Shabbos Teshuva at a friend’s house and she had the Jerusalem Post, so I read it. That’s where I discovered Rav Elyashiv had said no Crocs on Yom Kippur. When I got to the family I was spending Yom Kippur with, I asked about what I should wear, and the woman was surprised I had seen it in the JP, because she hadn’t yet seen it in whichever paper she gets (don’t remember if it was Yated or Hamodia).