Reply To: Modern Orthodox Guy in Lakewood

Home Forums Local & Neighborhood Issues Modern Orthodox Guy in Lakewood Reply To: Modern Orthodox Guy in Lakewood


eitang, I have some infor for you. There is a minyan in Sons of Israel in the center of town that might be good for you, very eclectic group of people, similar to a nice Young Israel crowd, so I am told. It’s on Route 9 (Madison). I believe it is Rabbi Tendler’s Shul. The person I spoke to is a frum but also modern guy, and he is very comfortable there.

Also, there is a Shul in someone’s basement ,c alled the Beis Medrash of Central Park, on Shonny Court.

the person also said, R’ Gissinger’s shul is wonderful. Maybe more Yeshivish, but it is Lakewood, after all. So, you have a number of places to try, if you haven’t already. My feeling from what I was told, you would be very happy in Sons of Israel during the week, I am not sure how close a walk it would be on Shabbos.