Reply To: Drinking On Purim

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Ben Levi

Or you can hold with the Seder Hayom who writes one should bring himself to the point where he is rolling on the floor throwing up.

By the way I believe we pasken that if someone does not fulfill a mitzva then he there is a chilul Hashem involved. Meaning in everything there is potential chilul or kiddush Hashem just the degrees vary.

That is why there are shittos that if one does one of the gimmel chamuros b’ones he is only over chilul hashem but not the actual aveira, it is the tremendous chilul hashem that causes the chiyuv mesiras nefesh.

Basically my point is volvie is write.

I would add in my view it is an even greater Kiddush Hashem to drink nowadays and show that not all Jews views are dictated by outside influences.