Home Forums Shidduchim STOP BLAMING THE BOYS!!!!!! Reply To: STOP BLAMING THE BOYS!!!!!!


… LOT to say here!

The shidduch issue is NOT an age issue. it is an image issue. while boys are still in e”y, if they start dating they look for a girl. once they come back and enter the dating “scene,” they start looking for a business deal. they tally up their “worth” based on what yeshivas they went to and how smart they are and decide what they “deserve” and what they can “get.” now they demand a girl who is rich and famous and will not consider not “doing a good shidduch.” when the rich older girls are all married, the boys start dating the younger rich girls who will allow them to learn while they sit back without a worry on their minds.

firstly, this is what causes the shidduch crisis. the girls whose parents aren’t loaded with cash and who are working hard because they really want the kollel life can’t get a date because all the boys are looking for the easy life. where is our mesiras nefesh for torah? is the kollel life one of la la land with the responsibilities all loaded on the parents?? and what kind of chinuch are you giving to your children when you value money so much that you can only learn if you are supported???

and what happens when mr. rich f-i-l becomes not so rich f-i-l?? will miss rich still be so supportive of learning?? maybe its better to marry a girl who is demonstrating her commitment to learning by actually working hard to achieve this goal?