Reply To: Which Yeshiva?


first of all…which branch are you in. second of all he is right chofetz chaim is closest to what yeshivos used to be…third of all the derech halimud is great…fourth of all the bochurim are very nice…fifth of all you will probably be a better person by staying there…sixth of all…why not stay there?

not knowing anything about you and really why you dont like chofetz chaim…its kinda hard to recommend a yeshiva without actually knowing you…but here goes.

i think you really can gain learning skills in a chofetz chaim…but maybe wits just isnt for you. there are more branches than wits…look around, go for a week, look around.

dont let anyone bully you into joining a certain yeshiva or staying in a certain yeshive, but before you decide or write off a yeshiva you should probably go and check them out:) by the way…you could probably find a yeshiva in israel better suited to your purposes, id recommend looking into that.