Reply To: Shidduchim and Outside People “Helping”

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I agree with you.

The writer you are referring to made a absolutely totally incorrect assumption as to the reason for the 150@3 proposal and then proceeded to debate his own silly assumption.

oomis: what you fail to understand is that a shadchans “job” in NOT to get a couple engaged. That is not something a shadchan can do.

All a shadchan can do is suggest appropriate matches and offer guidance and encouragement along the way (when necessary) if a coule goes at 3/4 time the shadchan HAS done their JOB


Just curious how many times people you know have gone out with the same guy 3/4 times. If you only pay after going out 3/4 times its not that expensive.

“I just went to a shadchan and they had 3 binders of girls and 1 of boys.”

I wonder why??????

Age gap anyone??