Reply To: Understanding The Haiti Tragedy

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Ben Levi

Dear Pashuteh Yid,

I presume from the context of your coment that when you describe your views on Religion you are including “Judaisim” in it. Therefore I must correct you. The Ramchal in Derech Hashem explains in great detail the purpose of Judaisim and it is not what you wrote.

Furthermore according to one pshat in Chazal in Mesechta Brochos it is impossible for humankind to ever truly know why the “good” suffer.

In answer to your question of Haiti, that question is actually quite appropo as Rashi in this weeks Parsha (Perek Zayin Pasuk Gimel) states quite clearly that the derech of Hakodosh Boruch Hu is ” Mavie Poruneus al HaUmos K’DeiSheyishmuo YisroelV’Yiruo.

As such it would seem that from a tragedy of such immense proportions Klal Yisroel sould indeed shudder and make a true Cheshbon Hanefesh.