Reply To: A Third Term for Mayor Mike Bloomberg?

Home Forums Politics A Third Term for Mayor Mike Bloomberg? Reply To: A Third Term for Mayor Mike Bloomberg?


Mayor Bloomberg has been a decent if unspectacular mayor.

I would say that his major accomplishments are:

1) Mayoral control of schools. The public school system is clearly better than it was before he took over.

What he did with term limits is the deal-breaker for me.

Mayor Giuliani, who was an excellent mayor (remember the chaos he inherited from Mayor Dinkins and how he turned it around), and had a great reason to have his term extended (a continuation of the leadership he showed after the 9/11 terrorist attacks), and clearly would have won a landslide victory had he been able to run again was forced to leave office by the term limits law.

Now that he is in office, he strong-armed, and in some cases bribed (not illegally) several council members who originally would have voted to retain term limits into extending the limits to include a third term.

In summary I select options:

2) No


4) Depends on…

If anyone actually read this all the way thru, Thank you 🙂