Reply To: Best Part of Living in the Five Towns

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Bemused, that is a very nice thought, and I just want to clarify a bit.

What I cover, how I behave, what I say…its all based on my halachic path (not that I make up, that I get from my rabbinic authorities). I certainly hope that my mannerisms/dress/actions do not cause anyone else to sin. And, to a certain extent I do follow the “minhag hamakom” for non-halachic (not even chumra really) things if I can.

But ultimately, my mitzvah of keeping tzniut is for me. As is keeping kosher, keeping Shabbos etc. All of our actions can effect others positively and negatively, but as long as you are following halacha, that is fine. There is a limit to what you have to do for others in order for them to keep their mitzvot.