Reply To: Singles Over the Age of 25 Should Deal Directly With the Shaddchan

Home Forums Shidduchim Singles Over the Age of 25 Should Deal Directly With the Shaddchan Reply To: Singles Over the Age of 25 Should Deal Directly With the Shaddchan


Nnnnnnnnooooo. I’ve seen way too many singles who made decisions totally on their own, and ended up admitting that they should have listened to their parents about the Shidduch (love/infatuation is blind and age has nothing to do with that). They say you know a Shidduch is Bashert if the parents of boy and boy like the girl, and the parents of the girl and the girl like the boy.

In the case where the parents and the single are on a totally different page, that’s different.

While I’ve heard of Shidduchim working where all were not in agreement about the Shidduch, it usually causes problems down the line.