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Court: CA Toeiva Marriage Ban Unconstitutional

A federal judge on Wednesday struck down a California ban on same-gender marriages as unconstitutional, according to court documents, handing a key victory to Toeiva rights advocates in a politically charged decision almost certain to reach the US Supreme Court.

(Media Outlets)

12 Responses

  1. 2 CharlieHall,

    Come on Charlie get off it already! Not every Republican appointee is a Conservative. On the other hand, it seems that every Socialist Liberal Democrat Workers Party appointee, is a Socialist Liberal!

  2. BS”D

    The US is fast becoming Sdom in more ways than one. If there is not a sea change in 2010 and 2012, time to realize that the malchus shel chessed is over and done with (if it ever existed; it certainly did not under FDR YM”S who did not allow refugees to enter the US during the Churban).

  3. The judge is a gay economic conservative. Since he based his decision totally on federal law, it is almost guaranteed to go to the Supreme Court.

    Since there are many more anti-gay economic liberals (including most Blacks and Hispanics, not to mention frum Jews, and probably almost all Reagan Democrats) then there are economic conservatives who support gay rights – this will probably impact negatively on the Democrats in the upcoming elections. In simple term, it will generate more votes for Republicans than Democrats.

  4. why was my post not allowed?

    the fact remains, the act of marriage cannot be described as toeva…only the physical act between two men

    and if the government is going to be involved in sanctioning marriages, then the constitution, not religious beliefs…rule the day

    the judge found prop 8 to be anti constitutional, because of the equal protection clause.

    this will go to the supreme court.

  5. I did not understand Reply #3. A judge is not supposed to look to the voters for cues to make their decisions.
    I also did not understand Reply #5. The USA has done a lot of good for Jewry since FDR. It is nitpicking to select one President that disliked us and throw out the baby with the bath water.

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