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To bombman,

As it happens you are wrong!

“Nicotine addiction is classified as nicotine use disorder according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR).” (This is considered the bible on mental illness.)

“Addiction is marked by the repeated, compulsive seeking or use of a substance despite its harmful effects and unwanted consequences. Addiction is defined as physical and psychological (mental and emotional) dependence on the substance. Nicotine is the addictive drug in tobacco. Regular use of tobacco products leads to addiction in many users.”

From the American Cancer Society:

“In 1988, the U.S. Surgeon General concluded the following:

Cigarettes and other forms of tobacco are addicting.

Nicotine is the addicting drug in tobacco.

The ways people become addicted to tobacco are much like those that lead to addiction to other drugs such as heroin and cocaine

About 70% of smokers say they want to quit and about 40% try to quit each year, but only 4% to 7% succeed without help. This is because smokers not only become physically addicted to nicotine; there is a strong emotional (psychological) aspect and they often link smoking with many social activities. All of these factors make smoking a hard habit to break.”