VIDEO & PHOTOS: Forest Fire Near The 446 Highway

The trees provided ample shade from the hot sun when the family finished their barbecue in the forest by a wadi near the 446 highway. Before leaving, they dumped out the contents of their disposable grill, extinguishing the coals with dirt – or so they thought.

It did not take long for the wind to blow some leaves and shrub over the smoldering coals, which soon spread into what could have become a devastating forest fire.

Thankfully, an alert motorist on the 446 highway saw the smoke and alerted the local fire department in Modi’in Illit, who were able to respond in time to contain and extinguish the blaze.

The fire brigade has issued multiple warnings about fire safety during bein hazemanim over the past week following a devastating fire in Yerushalayim last Sunday.

Click HERE for photos.

(Feivel Katz / YWN Israel)

Credits: Yehuda Boltshauser / Kuvien Images

One Response

  1. I can’t believe it…. Holding a barbecue in the forest, in the midst of the worst heat wave in years??? And thinking that the coals were extinguished with dirt???

    Some people really need some education on very basic issues like fire safety. I would not dream of making a fire in a forest these days!

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