Reply To: School Unpleasantness

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Thanks to those who responded.

This is an instance where I was hoping to hear opposing points of view and their reasons.

To address people in order:


Besides, how would you learn certain Gemaras and Tosfos in Sukka and Eruvin for example without knowledge of Geom. and Trig?

Science certainly has practical real-world value e.g. how cleaning agents work, what happens if one were to mix ammonia and bleach



I think your responses were based on a misunderstanding, which hopefully was clarified.

Pashuteh Yid

2) Blue-collar work and the manufacturing industry are somewhat better. They take an existing raw product and improve it, for a visible tangible benefit. (Obviously, they need to start with an existing product, since only H-shem can make something from nothing). There is some profit to be made from their labor.

3) Scientists, inventors and innovators perform the most valuable work of all. It is thanks to them that certain diseases have been mostly or wholly eradicated, the average lifespan has been greatly increased, and the quality of life is improved dramatically. We are not living in primitive huts on Eurasia thanks to scientific advances. There is big money to be made in this field. Job security is a nice fringe-benefit of this profession.


3) Our standard of living and quality of life is incomparable to what existed as recently as 100 years ago, and this is almost wholly due to science, invention and innovation.

4) Yes back-office workers (or janitors) are more replaceable than top R&D scientists.

I am in total agreement with you about the importance of scientific research and innovation.

