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Buffalo can mean either a place (as in NY), an animal, or “to bully”.

So, to make it easier, change all those that mean “animal” to “dogs”. Additionally, it would be easier to change all those that mean “Buffalo, NY” to “Alaska”.

Alaskan dogs, (whom other) Alaskan dogs bully, bully Alaskan dogs.

To bring it back to the original meaning: bison from Buffalo intimidate (other) bison from Buffalo that bison from Buffalo intimidate.

oomis- people who write as if they are texting annoy me as well. I end up turning my head sideways to try to understand it, as if that view makes things clearer and more understandable. I understand that places like this do not need a “grammar police” but as some have mentioned before, writing clearly and understandably is being respectful to the readers. If I cant understand it the first or second time through, I give up and ignore the post. Just FYI all you “texters” out there… 😉