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anonymrs; Good point! You are very right. Personally, my cell is always set to vibrate.

I can’t take it when i’m in shul and these Kalei Rosh,

come in without closing ringer. in middle of Shomneh Esrei their cell phones

start blasting away with all these crazy loud ringtones,

some even let it ring for a while. why they do not jump to silence it,

or why they come into shul everyday without changing the setting is beyond me.

I’m not talking about the guys who usually do, but occasionally forget.

I’m talking about the one’s who don’t even chap it is terribly wrong.

Oh and btw, if you answer your cellphone, girl or boy, while on a date,

and start schmoozing with your friend, it will affect you,

for being mentchlich on a date is number #1 priority.

More important than what you wear or how much you spend. At least to the majority.

So set your phones to vibrate and Hatzlocha Rabboh.